Wednesday, August 7, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 for 7 August: RPG with 'good form'

Today's prompt: RPG with 'good form'

good form: (chiefly UK) behavior that is both morally and socially correct; proper manner, decorum or etiquette.

2e Boot Hill has my favorite 'social system' of any roleplaying game, consisting of a reaction table and a morale roll. What makes it so distinctive is the reaction table, introduced in BH1 Mad Mesa, the first published adventure for BH, which isn't based on modifiers for an attribute like Charm or Charisma but on your character's earned reputation.

It's an elegant system, one I like so much I adapted it to Flashing Blades. So how does this relate to 'morally and socially correct behavior'? It's all in the modifiers. Behaviors which earn a character positive reaction roll modifiers include respect for law and order, friendship, heroism, belonging - honestly, this is way better than alignment in influencing how characters act, because it directly affects how non-player character see the adventurer, whether or not they will react favorably, offer assistance, and so on.

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