Monday, August 12, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 for 12 August: RPG with well supported campaigns

Today's prompt: RPG with well supported campaigns

There are many roleplaying games out there with literally dozens of campaign modules.

Flashing Blades has exactly one. But it's a corker.

An Ambassador's Tales by game designer Mark Pettigrew put the player characters in the service of a French diplomat and agent of the Cardinal (Richelieu or Mazarin, no matter), and together they travel the length and breadth of Europe in the service of the King. The adventure sees the player characters visit Habsburg Austria, the Serene Republic of Venice (at Carnival, no less), Spain, the Dutch United Provinces, and finally England.

There's a lot to like about this adventure - action, intrigue, terrific locations, three-dimensional antagonists - but my favorite part is the potential rewards the adveturers may receive at the end. The campaign fulfills the promise in the core rules that social and professional advancement shouldn't come exclusively from die rolls. Characters may receive promotions, be knighted, and earn gold as a result of their efforts in the service of France, and it's something I keep in mind as I run FB, looking for opportunities for someone to step in and send a character to the head of the class.

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