Saturday, August 17, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 for 17-18 August: Two-fer Again!

Saturday's prompt: An engaging RPG community
Sunday's prompt: Memorable moment of play

The RPG Pub is my go-to for gaming-talk and more recently running a Flashing Blades play-by-post. It's a good mix of useful site features, outstanding moderation, and a critical mass of posters who aren't completely full of crap.

My most memorable moment of play is only dimly remembered: my first character was a fighter, playing blue box D&D, and he got punked by an orc or something. That wasn't the memorable part, clearly. What's memorable to me is the feeling of grabbing the dice and making a new character, to keep exploring the dungeon. It was in that moment my lifelong conviction that adventure games are about the setting, not my character, took hold. Adventurers come and go, but the dungeon remains.

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