Saturday, October 26, 2024

Pardon the Interruption

So, after blogging more between April and June than I did in the previous nine years combined, and then doubling that amount with a blogging challenge in August, I dropped off the radar again. Real Life can be an annoying distraction from one's hobbies, but between preparing my results from two studies I conducted over the summer, submitting a conference lecture proposal, and being contracted to work on a political campaign in addition to running my play-by-post Flashing Blades campaign, unfortunately RBE fell by the wayside.

Fear not, Dear Readers, I have lots of stuff in the pipeline and after the first week of November I plan to resume blogging at least a few times a month. More FB exegesis and house rules, plus a couple of responses to stuff I read recently are in my draft queue and I look forward to fleshing them out and polishing them to at least a dull gleam.

Thanks for your patience.

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