Sunday, August 4, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 for 4 August: RPG with great art

Today's prompt: RPG with great art

Without a doubt, my favorite artwork in a roleplaying game product is the Dan Brereton illustrated Nocturnals: A Midnight Companion for Mutants and Masterminds. Nocturnals is one of my favorite comics, and Brereton's fully painted illustrations are a big part of that, along with great characters and a terrific setting, of course.

When I purged my roleplaying library about fifteen years ago, I hung on to 1e M&M and this sourcebook, and while I'd probably use the old TSR Marvel Super Heroes FASERIP rules these days to run a Nocturnals-inspired campaign, the sourcebook would be an invaluable resource as well as a beautiful one.

I discovered the series when it was first released in a comic book shop in Fresno, California in the summer of '95 and was immediately taken by its mix of gangsters, aliens, and undead rendered in Brereton's signature style. As I approach a signature birthday, the temptation to get a Doc Horror or Gunwitch tattoo keeps growing on me.

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