Saturday, August 10, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 for 10-11 August: TV and One Shots

Saturday's prompt: RPG you'd like to see on TV
Sunday's prompt: RPG with well supported one-shots

What roleplaying game would I like to see on TV? Traveller, except I already have Firefly. Flashing Blades, except I already have Zorro. Boot Hill, except I already have Deadwood. GangBusters, except I already have Boardwalk Empire. Chill, except I already have The Night Stalker. Top Secret, except I already have The Man From UNCLE.

So I guess I'm good.

I'm gonna admit I'm not exactly sure what a "well supported one shot" is - how much support does a one-shot adventure need, anyway? I'm guessing they mean games supported by one-shot adventures, in which case I would have to say Traveller leads the pack - and I'm not just talking the incredible run of "classic" little black book adventures, as outstanding as they are. If you've never seen Michael Brown's "2D6 SF Adventures," you're in for a real treat.

I should also mention the adventures for Flashing Blades. A handful of adventures come with the core rules and the High Seas supplement; there are also two volumes of short adventures plus one campaign adventure - more about that on Monday. Like the "classic" Traveller adventures, the adventures for Flashing Blades expand the world and provide the referee with reuseable non-player characters, organizations, and locations - while Traveller's adventures give you starships bases and labs and planets, FB give you taverns and theatres and villas and fencing salles and forts, and they take you to Venice and Spain and Florence and the Netherlands and the Caribbean. FGU packed heck of a lot of refereeing material in its adventures, for which I'm personally very grateful.


  1. Hm, Unknown Armies? No, there's already The Lost Room. Pendragon? I guess there's Merlin.

    I know, Space 1889. Or Gamma World.


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