Saturday, August 3, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 Blog-O-Rama!

Hey, this looks like fun!

I'm a couple days behind, so I'll catch up here.

1/8 First RPG bought this year
Spire: The City Must Fall by Grant Howitt and Christopher Taylor, published by Rowan, Rook, and Decard in 2018. I don't recall how I heard about this game, but as I was preparing a city campaign and I like to cast a wide net for ideas, I picked up the quickstart and liked it well enough to finally shell out for the .pdf. Contrasting my long-established refereeing habits with how other gamers approach the same challenges and opportunities helps me break free from imagination calcification. Spire was much more traditional than I expected and I was able to glean a few interesting ideas - unfortunately I can't share which ones just yet, in the event my players are peeking. That could actually make an interesting future post, at the opportune moment . . .

2/8 Most recently played
I'm currently running a play-by-post Flashing Blades campaign at the RPG Pub, but my last experience as a face-to-face player specifically was 2e Boot Hill, several years back. This isn't counting some Traveller, Burros & Bandidos, and Flashing Blades solo play.

I tend to be a referee far more often than I am a player. Before Flashing Blades, I ran 1e Chill face-to-face for the Cabin Kids.

3/8 Most often played RPG
Given my blogging pursuits, this answer surprises some people: "classic" Traveller. I've played and run more Traveller than I have any other game by a fair amount. Merchant princes, independent troubleshooters, mercs for hire - played 'em all off-and-on since the late Seventies. No matter what I'm playing or running at any given moment, Charted Space - my house-ruled Judges Guild sectors, not the canonical GDW OTU - is always lurking in the back of my mind.

In fact, in quiet moments recently I've been daydreaming about a lost colony Traveller campaign, set in a system behind the fringe of Charted Space, forgotten - perhaps - by Humaniti.

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