Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Write Like a Pirate Day

T'morrow vve celebrayte thayt Moft Ancient and Revyr'd reval, Talke Lyke a Pyrate Day, butt todaye lett uf tayke a mom. too contemplayt ye manner, ftyl, &c bye whych ye moft lern'd Pyratef expreff thymfelfs bye vvaye of ye VVryttin VVerd.

Fome goode advife for thows moft Intrepyd Ryfereef who lycke to creayte propf fuch af lettyrf or othr. fimylr Documyntf af handowts for thyr playerf.

Qvod erat demonftrandum.


  1. You managed to come up with fomething more annoying than Talk Like a Pirate Day.


    What? This carronade? Oh. Don't worry. It's not loaded. Yes, I'm sure. See, I can take this linstock and put it to the touch-hole...


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