Thursday, September 6, 2012

DVR Alert

On Sunday, 9 September, Turner Classic Movies will air the 1924 silent version of The Sea-Hawk, directed by Frank Lloyd. Unlike the later Errol Flynn feature, this version sticks much closer to the original Rafael Sabatini story, in which Sir Oliver Tressilian turns renegado, becoming Sakr-el-Bahr, the Algerian corsair.

I think this is a story just begging for a remake.

Check you local listings for times, as always - TCM lists it as 12:15 am on the East Coast, so it may actually appear on Saturday's schedule elsewhere in the US.


  1. By the way, I just wanted to mention that I really appreciate these DVR alert posts. Although I didn't have access to TCM at the time (I do now!), I was pleased to learn that this film was being shown. I hope that they show it again soon, as this is one of the pirate films I've never had the pleasure of seeing.

    1. If you can track this down on DVD, I don't think you'll be at all disappointed - it's remarkably faithful to the book, far more so than the Errol Flynn version.

    2. I intend to get it eventually. As it stands (and I may have mentioned this before), my copy of the book is an early example of a movie tie-in, as it includes a number of plates that are stills from this filmed version.

    3. I recall you mentioning it - that must be very cool.


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