Saturday, August 18, 2012

Game Master Emulation Lite

Dissatisfied with the Mythic Game Master Emulator - too fiddly and too slow - Spacejacking at Tiny Solitary Soldiers hacked together his own solo roleplaying game system and I gotta say, it ain't half-bad.

I personally haven't run into a problem with the GME either fiddly or cumbersome, but I think part of that comes from using the Flash version of the Fate Table - it works as fast as I can type the questions - so I can see why a more streamlined version appeals.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!
    You couldn't have posted this a few days ago? I just bought a copy of the Mythic GME to try out. :D

    But I'll have to check this out. I'll all about 'lightweight and effective" these days.


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