Friday, August 10, 2012

Savage Musketeers

Courtesy of Tim Knight at HeroPress, All for One: Régime Diabolique is coming to Savage Worlds.



  1. A friend of mine who is a huge fan of Savage Worlds brought this to my attention.

    For anyone looking to strip-mine the contents, the SW version of Regime Diabolique looks like the better option than the original. There are some extra elements that will be included in the SW version that weren't in the original version.

    I'm curious, if only because I feel like I need all the help I can get in filling out the details of the setting.

    1. I'm curious about the Ubiquity rules, but I'm really put off by the asking price for AfO:RD; I just don't pony up that kind of cash on something I can't see first, and even then, the .pdf price is well above what I'd normally be willing to pay for anything that doesn't trip my excelsior bell pretty damn hard.

      I don't really know if the setting interests me enough to buy this, but I have PotSM and SWoSK, and I've mined both of those for ideas for my campaigns, so this might be a little easier sell. If the price is right.

    2. Funny that you abbreviation is almost "afford" while talking about the price.

    3. While on the subject of affordability, I'm curious about how H+I stacks up against FB.

      And whether or not En Garde fills in some of the apparent gaps in FB. Does the child presume knowledge of the parent, so to speak?

    4. I picked up the H+I pdf during the GM's day sale, and I'd say it was worth it at the discounted price. On a read-through, there were things I liked and things I didn't really care for - I really need to play it say for sure how it stacks up to FB, but my overall impression is that it's a very good game with a few design choices I'm not wild about.

      EG! isn't really necessary to grok FB; mostly, it's easy to see where the careers section of FB came from, but FB also owes a debt to Crimson Cutlass and Traveller.

  2. Woo-hoo!

    ... But I just finished a swashbuckling campaign!

    Dammit, Wiggy!

    1. I knew this would catch your attention!

    2. Bought! I spent a chunk of yesterday skimming the PDF. The short review is that an enterprising GM could use the setting fluff from Flashing Blades to run the same game using Honor + Intrigue, but a lazy GM whose wife hates to learn new systems has much to appreciate. Also, Wiggy favors Richard Lester to the exclusion of some of Dumas' nuances.

    3. I nearly wrote "Lester Dent.". Ha!

    4. Sean, is that an endorsement of H+I?

    5. Yes, I rather like H+I. There's a lot of similarity to Savage Worlds, though, so I haven't been able to talk Robin into trying it. I really, really love some of the mini-settings in the secret organizations -- especially the highwaymen.

    6. Hmmm...similarity to SW is not a selling point for me. I honestly don't get the appeal of the game. But perhaps I've just had bad experiences with it.

      But, having just had a discussion with my sole-remaining face-to-face group, they have less-than-zero interest in attempting to reprise FB. It was a memorable experience for them and, apparently, not a pleasant one.

    7. Sorry to hear that, Chris.

      Sean, can we expect an expanded review on Wine and Savages?

  3. Yes, I've been meaning to start doing reviews for awhile and this product is an obvious invitation to start.


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