In the Hold

Friday, April 6, 2012

F is for Field of Honor

Once again, you are challenged to a duel. Roll 1D20 to determine the actual location where the duel takes place.

1. On a coral reef at low tide while sharks cicle in the nearby lagoon.

2. Amid the vine-choked ruins of a lost temple deep in the jungle, while drums throb in the distance.

3. Atop a galley's ram as it protrudes from the side of a galleon while cannons blast overhead.

4. In the candlelit crypt beneath an ancient abbey.

5. In the middle of a court ballet during a masquerade ball.

6. On a swaying rope bridge suspended above a rushing torent.

7. Inside a church campanile as the bells peal for a requiem mass.

8. Atop a clocktower as shafts of lightning from an approaching thunderstorm illuminate the sky.

9. Hanging from the creaking sails of a slowly spinning windmill.

10. Aboard a wildly-rocking gondola drifting on the Grand Canal.

11. In the twisting alleys of a tall garden hedge-maze.

12. While racing around the Piazza del Campo during the Palio di Siena, using horsewhips and daggers.

13. Amid the canvas shrouds of a sailmaker's loft.

14. In a lantern-lit mine tunnel where gaping shafts nearby lay concealed by shadows.

15. Amid the silk carpets and satin cushions of a Turkish seraglio as the sultan's concubines make bets or throw fruit at the duelists.

16. In a dusty caravanserai, between the resting camels and their yelling, jeering drivers.

17. On the slippery, crackling ice bridge over a yawning glacial crevasse.

18. Between sulphurous hot springs and bubbling mudpots as a steaming geyser rumbles menacingly.

19. Over a half-dissected corpse in an operating theatre in the middle of a crowded surgical lecture.

20. In a tavern crowded with drunken revelers - hey, they can't all be exotic.


  1. 14.

    Hmm. So I get my challenge via a Commedia dell'Arte performance and actually fight the duel in a lantern-lit mine tunnel.

  2. I role an 8--and me with a bit of a fear of heights!

    Great chart.

  3. 15 - that is a great opportunity to catch some fruit on my rapier and take a bite while looking bored as my opponent tries to catch up with me.

  4. I got the clock tower as well; I'm going to be in The City for most of the day, but either tonight or tomorrow Giancarlo will have another adventure up on the Frothing Mug.

  5. "Amid the silk carpets and satin cushions of a Turkish seraglio as the sultan's concubines make bets or throw fruit at the duelists."

    I snatch up a bowl of fruit and chuck it at the opponent's head. Apparently, trying to hide in plain sight as a concubine did not work out so well.

    (This is fun! :D Happy A to Z!)

    1. "Apparently, trying to hide in plain sight as a concubine did not work out so well."

      Or perhaps it worked TOO well, if you follow my meaning.

  6. 15. Amid the silk carpets and satin cushions of a Turkish seraglio as the sultan's concubines make bets or throw fruit at the duelists.

    Sweet! I quickly unwrap one of the concubines and use her silks to disarm my enemy and them bind him!

    1. Unwrapping a concubine - yeah, that's gonna end up in our game somehow, someway . . .


  7. And here it is, sorry it took so long: Fiction: The Siege. Hope ya like it!


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