Friday, May 3, 2024

Les Trousseaux: Skill-Based Starting Equipment for Flashing Blades

I like equipping my characters.

Selecting character gear and accoutrements is way of exploring the material culture of the game-world, and collecting memorabilia - trophies, souvenirs - becomes a way of telling my character's story as the game progresses.

Inspired by Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying, one of the house rules I adopted for my Flashing Blades campaign years ago is that player characters receive certain items based on the character's starting background. The French Wars of Religion jeu de rôle Te Deum pour un massacre does this as well, and adds an interesting twist by adding an item for skills possessed by the character. I decided to add to my earlier house rule with one based on Te Deum . . . .

Starting characters receive the following items in accordance with their skills. Characters may also acquire these items in the process of learning new skills, at the Gamemaster's discretion.

Skill Item
Acrobatics A grapnel and 10 m of rope
Artillery Artillerists’ charts and tables
Banking A set of scales and weights and a counting board
Bargaining 1D6 bottles of good brandy
Bribery A bag of 30 pistoles
Bureaucratics A book of collected royal edicts
Captaincy A white silk sash and a silver-gilt baton
Carousing 1D6 bottles of Anjou wine
Chemist A copper alembic, a crucible, and a mortar and pestle
Cut Purse A billon coin with a sharpened edge
Disguise A costume
Espionage A cipher disk
Etiquette A pair of dancing shoes and a mouchoir
Fine Manipulation A clockmaker's tool kit
Forgery Copies of royal writs and official missives
Gambling A deck of marked cards and a pair of loaded dice
Gunnery A firesteel striker and a length of slow match
Heraldry An armorial
History A copy of Mémoires sur les Gaules
Horsemanship A riding crop and a training whip
Literacy A copy of Grammaire et syntaxe françoise, Introductiones latinae, or a similar grammar for another language
Magistracy A copy of Coutume de Paris or Corpus Juris Civilis
Oratory A translation of Cicero's De l'Orateur
Pilot Two lanterns and navigators’ instuments (cross-staff, astrolabe, tables and charts)
Seamanship A marlinspike and a kerchief
Seduction 1D6 bottles of perfume
Stealth A pair of turnshoes and a dark hooded cloak
Strategy An carved ivory chess set
Theology A psalter
Tracking A magnifying lens and 2D6 small wooden pins

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