Friday, February 15, 2013

Taking the Weekend Off

This week's blog-posts were a bit on the thin skeletal side, as I was slammed with a couple of non-gaming projects. Today I'm running The Cabin Boy's baseball practice, and this weekend his travel ball team has a tournament, so we're gonna be out of Dodge through Monday, which means, rather than scramble for some junk to post, I'm going to take a break and come back tanned, rested, and ready on Tuesday.

The tanned bit is no joke - looks likes it's going to be beautiful this weekend, with temps in the low eighties and clear skies. If you ever wonder why southern Californians put up with sprawl, it's because of mid-winter days like these.

As a teaser, next week will include sample characters from The Queen's Cavaliers - thanks, Caoimhe! - a new event table, a few gaming-related thoughts on my favorite attractions at Disneyland, and a review of the French graphic novel Belladone.

Have a great weekend.


  1. I was out in L.A. over Christmas and, I have to say, one never really appreciates what an idyll SoCal is in the winter until one has moved away to snowier climes. Not only is it warm, it's GREEN (unlike the rest of the year...).

    1. Back in my rangering days, I worked in a park with a lake ringed by dense stands of willows. The willows would actually lose their leaves in late winter, right as everything else turned green. The effect of the golden willow trees surrounded by green grassland was strikingly beautiful.

      We joke in southern California about having two seasons - summer and fire - but really, out seasons are just different from most of the rest of the country.

  2. Cold in the morning--for San Diego--but warm
    by 10, took my kids to the playground. Nice to be able to do that midwinter. Had to leave early because we forgot sunscreen.

    1. I ended up coaching first base during the Cabin Boy's games yesterday and now I have a nicely sunburnt neck.


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