Friday, February 8, 2013

Kickstarter: Tavern Cards

Only four days left to kickstart Hannah Lipsky's Tavern Cards, a deck of cards used to randomly generate taverns for roleplaying games. The project is about $1500.00 short of its $5000.00 goal.

Given my love of the random, I backed this project as soon as I heard about it. Unfortunately, unless a fair number of other gamers get excited about it, too, this isn't going to beat its deadline.

Check it out, and if the spirit moves, back it.


  1. I backed it, cuz it seems like a cool idea.

  2. Thanks for posting this Mike.

    This would be useful for my H+I Campaign. The PCs are currently on the road south from Paris towards Lyon and a quick generator for Taverns is just the thing. I just pledged. Current total is $3,635, so still a ways to go.


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