Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Plus de trousseau: More Skill-Based Equipment for Flashing Blades

My Flashing Blades house rules include five new skills for characters to choose. In keeping with my Te Deum pour un massacre-inspired stuff-for-skills house rule, here are items a character taking the new skills may expect to receive.

Skill Item
Falconry A gauntlet with a tassel, jesses, a field leash, and a swing lure
Musician A musical instrument and 1D6 sheets of music
Naturalist A plant press, a bottle of grain alcohol, and 1D6 glass jars with stoppers and horsehair threads
Physician A fleam, a metal bowl, and a clay jar with 2D6 leeches
Surgeon A trousse including scalpels, hooks, a clamp, a probe, needles and flax thread, and a bone saw

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