Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Buccaneer is Out Again

The Cabin Girl has her dance recital - four performances - the Cabin Boy has his last All Star tournament - six games to win the whole thing - and the Captain's Mother is in town; needless to say, blogging goes on the back burner.

Depending on how the boys do, I'll be back by next Wednesday at the latest.


  1. Enjoy your children... they are what matter

  2. You can't have BOTH a Cabin Boy and a Cabin Girl!

    One of them has to be the Powder Monkey.

  3. The Cabin Girl's dance recital brought to me actual tears, seeing my daughter as a ballerina for the first time, not just a little girl dancing. The Cabin Boy's team won their first game handily and looked like they would cruise into the field of eight, but instead they were upset not once but twice on Sunday, resulting in an early exit from the tournament. The boys had a great summer nonetheless.


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